7 Best Exercises for Chest Workout

1.Barbell Bench Press The Bench Press builds the pec major.This is the muscle associate getting bigger and working on when benching. It's the glamour muscle of the chest and what gives pecs their larger,stronger appearance, How to do: Position yourself on bench with your feet firmly on the ground and your back flat(the bar should be directly above your eyes and your head,shoulders and buttocks should on the bench). Grasp the barbell with palms forward and thumbs wrapped around the bar. Move the bar into starting position, with help from a spotter if needed. Position the bar over your chin or upper chest,keeping your elbows and wrists straight. Inhale and lower the bar slowly until it touches your chest below your armpits.As you lower,flare your elbows out slightly. Next, exhale and press the bar up,keeping your wrists straight and your back flat. 2.Pec  Deck Resist the urge to add extra weight. Doing so could increase your risk of injury.This e

5 Best Exercises for Full Body Workout

When it comes to exercising, most of us would prefer to get maximum results in the shortest amount of time possible.
So it doesn’t make much sense when people spend all of their time in the gym on single muscle isolation exercises like biceps curls, leg extensions and triceps kickbacks when they could be getting stronger, faster and burn more calories in less time with full body exercises.
While isolation exercises are great for bodybuilders trying to gain massive size, they’re not necessarily the most efficient exercises or the best choice for the typical exerciser looking to get in the best shape in a limited amount of time.
Not only will full body exercises make you more functionally fit, meaning they’ll help you perform better in everyday activities or athletics, they’ll also work more muscles at one time and burn more calories while doing it.
1. Squats

Not only will squats give you a strong, powerful lower body, they’ll also work your core, strengthen your back and work shoulders as well.Plus, you can do squats using just your own body weight for an awesome, do-anywhere exercise, add weight to make them even more challenging.

How to do them : Stand with your feed hip-width apart while pulling your shoulders back and engaging your abs. 
Push your butt and hips back as if you were sitting in a chair. 
While keeping your weight on your heels, lower down until your thighs are parallel or lower to the floor. 
Raise back up to the starting position, squeezing your butt and pushing your knees outward as you straighten.

2. Step ups

Step ups are a fantastic exercise you can do with very little space that will strengthen your legs and core muscles, build endurance, and get your heart rate up all in one move.
To make step ups more challenging, add weight or step onto a higher surface.
How to do them: Stand in front of a box or an elevated surface, pulling your shoulders back and keeping your abs tight.
 Set your left leg onto the box, then step to top of the box making sure your feet are flat.
Step back down with the same leg, then repeat with your right leg.

3. Pull ups

Pull ups are one of the best upper body exercises of all time, and not only work your arms, shoulders and back, but will also strengthen your core as well. If you can’t do one quite yet, don’t give up all hope—with practice, anyone can do a pull up (yes, that includes women!).
How to do them: Start by hanging from a pull up bar with your palms facing away from you. Keeping your chest up and your shoulders back, squeeze your glutes and cross your feet, then pull yourself up so that your chin rests over the bar. Lower back down with control.
Pull up modifications for beginners:
  • Jumping pull ups: Jump up from the ground or an elevated surface, using momentum to help propel yourself up to the bar.
  • Negatives: Jump up to the bar so that you’re in the top of a pull up position, then slowly lower yourself down with control.
  • Use bands: Looping a band around the pull up bar and then again around your feet (or knees) can help you push past the sticking point of the pull up.

4. Push ups

  • Forget the fancy machines, do push ups instead. Push ups work your arms, back, chest, core, butt and even leg muscles. And the best thing about push ups? You can do them anywhere.
    How to do them: Start in a plank position, with your shoulders directly over your hands. Tighten your abs, glutes and thighs, then lower yourself down so that your chest touches the floor while keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Push yourself back up into the starting position and repeat.
    Push ups modifications for beginners:
    • Incline push ups: Find a bench, a table, or a similar sturdy raised surface and assume a plank position with your feet on the floor and your hands on the elevated surface. Do a push up from this position. As you get stronger, find lower surfaces to do them on.
    • Push ups from your knees: Start in a push up position with your knees on the floor. Tighten your abs, glutes and thighs, then lower yourself down so that your chest touches the floor while keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Push yourself back up into the starting position and repeat. 

5. Jump lunges

    • Jump lunges will not only make your legs burn like crazy, they’ll get your heart rate up quickly as well and challenge your balancing skills—making them a fantastic full body conditioning exercise.
      How to do them: Start in a lunge position with your knees touching or almost touching the floor.
    •  Jump up explosively and switch legs so that your rear leg is in the front and front leg is in the rear, then repeat as fast as you can.

Fitness is not a destination, it is a way of life

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7 Best Exercises for Chest Workout