7 Best Exercises for Chest Workout

1.Barbell Bench Press

The Bench Press builds the pec major.This is the muscle associate getting bigger and working on when benching.It's the glamour muscle of the chest and what gives pecs their larger,stronger appearance,
  • How to do: Position yourself on bench with your feet firmly on the ground and your back flat(the bar should be directly above your eyes and your head,shoulders and buttocks should on the bench).
  • Grasp the barbell with palms forward and thumbs wrapped around the bar. Move the bar into starting position, with help from a spotter if needed.
  • Position the bar over your chin or upper chest,keeping your elbows and wrists straight.
  • Inhale and lower the bar slowly until it touches your chest below your armpits.As you lower,flare your elbows out slightly.
  • Next, exhale and press the bar up,keeping your wrists straight and your back flat.

2.Pec Deck

Resist the urge to add extra weight.Doing so could increase your risk of injury.This exercise is not for you if you had shoulder injury.
  • How to do: Keep your feet flat on the floor,at least shoulder-width apart.
  • with your back firmly against the seat,lift your arm until they reach shoulder level(the angle of your elbows should be between 75 and 90 degrees).Place your elbows on the center of the pad on the wings of the machine
  • With smooth and slow movement, push the wings together,stopping just before they touch.
  • Reverse to the starting position slowly.

3.Bent forward cable crossover

The Bench Press builds the pec major.This is the muscle associate getting bigger and working on when benching.It's the glamour muscle of the chest and what gives pecs their larger,stronger appearance,
  • How to do:Begin this exercise either with your feet planted hip-width apart,or with one in front of the others as if you are walking.
  • Grasp the pulley handles with your arms straight out and facing inwards, making sure that your hands are below your shoulders and your elbows are bent a bit.
  • Make your movements slow and controlled-no jerking-as you bring your hands together and extend your arms.For a wider arc and more resistance,move your arms down first and then in towards each other to cross one hand over the other.
  • Bring your arms slowly back to the starting position with control.Don't let your arms go back past the shoulders.

4.Chest Press

This exercise lift is very perfect especially for the full body workout.The move works the back muscles,shoulders,chests and triceps too.However,it should be kept i mind that while performing this exercise,the muscle must be contracted.
  • How to do:Adjust the chest press bench so that you sit with knees bent slightly and your feet on the floor.
  • Grasp the handles, and exhale as you push them away until your arms are straight out.Keep your elbows slightly bent.
  • As you inhale, pull the bars toward you slowly and with control,without letting the weights touch down.

5.Inclined Dumbbell Fly

This A flat bench dumbbell fly works the fronts nd tops of the shoulders as well as the large, fan like pectoral muscle of your chest.These muscles allow you to move your arm across your chest, succh as in a pressing or hugging motion.

  • How to do: Take a dumbbell in each hand and lie on a bench,feet firmly on the floor.
  • Press your shoulders,back,head and buttocks to the bench.Position the dumbbells near your chest and armpits with your palms facing inward.Keep your wrists straight.
  • Exhale,pull in your abs and slowly press the dumbbell up directly above your chest.Your arms should be shoulder-width apart.Keep your elbows straight apart.
  •  Inhale and lower the dumbbells slowly in wide arc until they are level with your chest.Keep the dumbbell parallel.
  • Fly the dumbbells towards the ceiling in the same gentle arc.

  • 6.Dips

    Dips are intense and effective isolation exercises that helps develop powerful and defined triceps.They can be performed on a machine at the gym or at home on a step,both method use your body weight as resistance.
    • How to do: Grasp the parallel dips bars firmly and lift your body.
    • Keep your elbows straight, your head in line with your trunk,and your wrists in line with your forearms.
    • Bring one lg across the other to stabilize the lower parts of your body, and pull in your abs.
    • Exhale and bend your elbows to lower your body.Keep your elbows near your sides.Your legs should be directly under your body to avoid tilting or swinging.
    • Lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90 degrees angle and your upper arms are parallel with the floor.Keep your wrists straight.
    • Pause, and then straighten your elbows, pushing into the bars with your hands, and return to starting position.Keep your body vertical and your wrists straight.


    • Forget the fancy machines, do push ups instead. Push ups work your arms, back, chest, core, butt and even leg muscles. And the best thing about push ups? You can do them anywhere.
      How to do: Start in a plank position, with your shoulders directly over your hands. Tighten your abs, glutes and thighs, then lower yourself down so that your chest touches the floor while keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Push yourself back up into the starting position and repeat.
      Push ups modifications for beginners:
      • Incline push ups: Find a bench, a table, or a similar sturdy raised surface and assume a plank position with your feet on the floor and your hands on the elevated surface. Do a push up from this position. As you get stronger, find lower surfaces to do them on.
      • Push ups from your knees: Start in a push up position with your knees on the floor. Tighten your abs, glutes and thighs, then lower yourself down so that your chest touches the floor while keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Push yourself back up into the starting position and repeat.


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